Legal Information

Information on the Gluten-Free Guidebook is based on the author’s personal experiences and is intended for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Be advised that information can change at any time. It is the reader’s responsibility to contact an establishment before a visit to determine whether it still exists and whether it will meet the reader’s requirements, dietary and otherwise. The author cannot be held responsible for the experiences of readers.

The Gluten-Free Guidebook contains links to other sites, but makes no representation concerning the content of these sites. The author is not responsible for the content of linked sites.

Comments are moderated for offensive language and/or content, flaming, commercial endorsements, and spam. However, posted comments are not vetted for accuracy by the author of the Gluten-Free Guidebook. Information contained in the comments is solely the responsibility of the person writing the comment.

Text and photographs copyright 2008-2016 Hilary Davidson. All rights reserved.

One thought on “Legal Information

  1. Hi Hilary,

    I am the administrator of the Hungarian website . The Hungarian Coeliac Society= Lisztérzékenyek Érdekképviseletének Országos Egyesülete
    I am also leader of the coelic group in Dunaujvaros, a Hungarian town where I live with my family. I appreciate your great work you have put into this site and would like to put your logo to our site. I can offer you a partnership to you and can give you some information about Hungary if you are interested in it.

    Best regards,
    Judit Schummel
    / Schumi

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